Current Junkies
Current Junkies will be operating from SMY Busy Girl. She is an 14.5m ex Australian Fishing Boat. Built in Tasmania, Australia and made to endure the harshest seas of the Great Australian Bight.
Busy Girl also has ample topside chill space, both inside and out.
The dive deck on board has 2 tanks per diver. We can aim to fill the spare tanks while diving. Therefore the boat can remain as quiet as possible between dives and overnight.
Busy Girl has an opening from the side of the dive deck. We can make “giant stride” enter directly from the boat without making too many lengthy dinghy rides in the heat of the Komodo National Park. However, we also understand the importance of surface support so we have a 4.5m inflatable dinghy for pick ups after every dive, and drop offs during the event of rough sea conditions.